
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Why We Came To This World?(Extract From the Weekly Sermon of Spirituality and Peace)

Ubqari Magazine - August 2015

 Extract From the Weekly Sermon of Spirituality and Peace by Shaykhul Wazaif Hadhrat Hakeem Tariq Mahmood Majzoobi Chughtai (Hafizahullah Ta’ala)

 Who is successful?

 Once a woman came to a Godly man and requested him to teach her how to remember Allah. The Godly man said it was very easy for her to learn it. Then he added that when she sent her children to school or college then would she becomes forgetful of them or keeps them in her mind. She said that she keeps on thinking about them that they would be studying then or playing in the playground and she becomes concerned if they might hurt themselves after falling in the playground. If the kid is young then she remains concerned about their hunger, thirst and toilet needs and she always kept on thinking about them. The saint replied to the woman,’ I have taught you remember the name of Allah and from today, your heart will be yearning for the remembrance of Allah like it is for your children whom you have sent to the school.’ therefore, whosoever finds his heart overwhelmed with the remembrance of Allah, will always be successful.

Those who find the closeness to Allah Almighty:

 Such a person would apparently living in this world but his heart would always be yearning towards the Allah Almighty like a mother has her heart attached to his young kids and even if the kids are away she is always thinking about them. We have not seen the Almighty but he is with us all the times. Similarly, while our kids are away from us, but they are still with us although apparently away from us. The mother is kissing them in his mind, hugging them, bathing them, feeding them, calling them, clothing them. Similarly, the passion of Allah’s Love becomes so strong that when a person after working hard for it in contemplation and meditation yearn for the Allah Almighty, he finds himself close to the Almighty.

The Necessities of Life and Allowable & Disallowed Means:

Now as everyone is bound to fulfill some needs of life like eating, drinking or wearing suitable clothes and the whole system is there to help him out. Now again there is a test when Allah Almighty leaves it to decide for a person to choose allowed or disallowed means. The Allah Almighty gave them a choice about both allowable and disallowed means. The disallowed means may seem to be glittering and more comfortable while the allowable means may appear as harsh and difficult but Allah Almighty gave the choice to adopt any of them for a short while although this power is quite limited too.

Every rise has a fall:

I would like you to think about a harsh reality. A man gets expertise in his own chosen field until he becomes an expert of it. His expertise booms up to such an extent that he becomes the best in his field. When his capabilities and expertise reach their apex, he gets a knock on his door by the angle of death so that he may never be able to claim that he has become almighty now. Then the expert along with his expertise perishes and there comes his successor who again goes through the same stages until he reaches the apex and he becomes known as ‘The Master’. Then this rise leads him to a fall when he too gets a knock on his door by the death angel and this continues endlessly.

Have we come to the world for this?

This is a matter of  concern for us that have we come here to bear our children, earn money and groom them, get the best car and best part of the land and then perish on a doomed day? Why we are here? There is a hidden message here for me as well as you as we are no more than a beggar to Almighty and we should ponder about the fact that why we are here and what is our purpose of life?

Is there any difference between the lives of a believer and a non-believer?  

If you ask a non-believer the purpose of his life, he would say that he came into this world to grow up playing.  Then he was asked to adopt a profession by his parents or study in a certain field, then they made him do a business, then they got him married and bore children, then he turned old and died and that was it. A believer should think if his day and night should be spent in a similar way. If so then there would not be any difference between a believer’s and a non-believer’s life. If a non-believer and a believer start thinking how to spend the day in a similar way, then where would come the difference between them.

How a Muslim would be distinguished from a non-believer?

 It is said that when a believer wakes up and he is just thinking about the worldly things, wealth and means to get it, then an angel to his right ear urges him to contemplate about Allah and how to seek His Pleasure. At the same time a devil also comes to the left ear of the person and urges him not to think about Allah or care for His Pleasure and diverts his attention to the worldly pleasures and money. The believer is not able to hear the voice of both although both of them fulfil their duty every morning. (To be concluded).

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